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Therapy for Therapists

One of my areas of expertise and passion is working with therapists and helping professionals. I have worked with many registered clinical counsellors, psychologists, social workers, life coaches, counselling psychology graduate students, social workers, addictions counsellors, registered nurses, and more.

Therapists are human too, and we all come with our own personal life experiences and impacts from family of origin issues, childhood trauma/neglect experiences, relationship issues, life transitions and other life experiences. Having a safe space to process and resolve past experiences allows us to be more present in our own lives and relationships, as well as being more effective in our work with clients. 

Therapists and helping professionals also may need support with some of the unique professional experiences they encounter, navigating self-care and wellness among busy schedules and balancing family/relationship demands, preventing compassion-fatigue or burnout, facing challenges with particular clients that may bring up our own unfinished business.  Bringing awareness to how our own personal issues might be impacting our professional challenges provides opportunities for doing the work needed for new ways of being with ourselves and our clients.

  • Individual Therapy

    Often people come to individual therapy feeling stuck in old familiar patterns that are painful and difficult to change. Therapy is a collaborative, experiential process tailored to meet your needs as an individual. It creates an opportunity to transform hardship into strength, action, and growth. We will work to explore the impacts of your unique life story to understand how current relationship patterns with yourself and others have been shaped. Understanding these patterns can help you make new decisions to create change and develop new ways to experience more freedom, peace, and wholeness in your life.

    If you are struggling with anxiety, depression, anger, loss, grief, stress, relationships, self esteem, trauma, life transitions, or any other obstacles in your life, know that deep and lasting change are possible.

  • Couples Therapy

    Couples counselling provides an opportunity to work on strengthening and deepening your relationship, as well as to overcome obstacles and issues to learn and grow from each other’s differences. Therapy focuses on the unique needs and hopes of each individual, as well as understanding the dynamics between the couple so as to build on strengths and resolve challenges. Issues are addressed and explored in a safe and supportive environment, empowering each person to share their needs, desires and hopes. Because many patterns in couple relationships come from what we learned in the families we grew up in, surfacing these old patterns will help to make new decisions and changes about how it can be different. It is through strengthening the connection, and growing through differences that a healthy, loving relationship can be fostered.

  • Family Therapy

    We are born hard-wired to connect with others. From the moment of our birth we find ways to connect in order to survive. We learn values, rules, and guidelines from our families – some of what we learn helps to raise our self-esteem and some of what we learn lowers our self esteem. Each person in a family system works at meeting their needs for connection and love to protect themselves in the relationship, but it might look different for each person which can create stress and chaos.

    Family Therapy can be a safe context to explore how each person in the family experiences one another, as well as to surface hopes and wishes for how the would like it to be together. Therapy focuses on strengthening relationship bonds, changing familiar patterns, and repairing old hurts and disappointments.